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Sound sleep, safe and productive teams

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Sound sleep supports mental and physical health, safety, and performance.

A comprehensive solution that unlocks your organization's full potential

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Poor sleep drives
high costs for organizations

$12,859 in lost productivity

per person suffering from severe insomnia.

55 days of productivity are lost annually

per individual with poor sleep, with 45 days lost due to productivity impairment and 10 days lost due to absenteeism.

3.3x higher costs of accidents and errors

Insomnia is associated with 7.2% of all costly workplace accidents and errors, while accounting for 23.7% of the cost of these incidents.

4.6x greater risk of permanent work disability leave

Poor sleepers are 4.6x more likely to go on permanent work disability leave than good sleepers.

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We work with sleep-smart organizations

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See how it works

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A complete sleep solution to suit your needs

Tailored to specific sleep difficulties

Our sleep programs are tailored to address a variety of sleep-related challenges, including but not limited to occasional and chronic insomnia, nightmare disorder, insomnia related to shift work, etc.

Evidence-based and clinically proven methods

Our programs are based on the principles and strategies of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I). The gold standard for the treatment of chronic insomnia. 

Ready to implement

Our sleep solution is designed for immediate use, so your organization can start seeing results right away without any wait time.

Visible improvement in 3 weeks

Our sleep programs have a proven track record of success. Many people experience improvements in sleep as early as the third week, leading to increased focus, motivation, and performance in the workplace.

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We support healthy sleep



Chronic poor sleep decreases productivity and increases disability risks, while harming physical and mental health.


Shift work

Shift work can increase the risk of poor sleep and be detrimental to the quality of life, both personally and professionally.



Nightmare disorders can cause distress, disrupt sleep, and interfere with daytime functioning.

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For organizations
10x Return on investment (ROI)

We significantly reduce costs and risks related to productivity losses, disability leave, medication and safety.  Many of our clients achieve greater than 10x ROI.

Reduced absenteeism

Good sleepers are absent less often and require fewer replacement hours.

Lower medication costs

Our programs effectively help many employees to reduce their dependence on sleep medication.

Business results in under 3 months

Our turnkey solution can be launched immediately. It includes a communication toolkit and systematic reporting. 

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For individuals
Green check
Efficient program

9 out of 10 individuals who complete our program no longer live with chronic insomnia symptoms.


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No wait list

The first appointment with our sleep coordinator is available in less than 24 hours.

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Results in as little as 3 weeks

See the first improvements after only three weeks in the program.

Green check
100% virtual care

All sessions are led by a licensed therapist through video-conferencing.

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Let’s talk numbers

Estimate your organization's ROI potential

The calculator cannot provide an accurate ROI estimate for organizations with over 40,000 employees. Please reach out to us directly for a personalized analysis.

Average productivity gains related solely to presenteeism and absenteeism

The amount above does not include what your organization could also save on disability payments, drug costs, workplace accidents and errors, and replacement costs for employees who are absent or on disability leave. The estimated ROI is based on the assumption that the HALEO solution is promoted to employees regularly to obtain a minimum utilization rate.
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Learn more

Guides and tools

The business case for sleep – An analysis of the HALEO solution

You will learn about :
  • The hidden costs of insomnia-related absenteeism
  • Other costs of poor sleep 
  • Improved mental health through sound sleep
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