Colette P-M. - Testimony

Published on: March 3, 2025 | Reading time: 🕐 2m

HALEO | Colette P-M. - Testimony


"For months, I thought about the HALEO program and how it might help me. I was struggling nightly to fall asleep and stay asleep. I watched the webinars that were offered and thought “I really should give this a try”, but I didn’t. Finally, in April, after another very bad night of sleep, non-sleep really, I decided to call HALEO and set up sessions to get started. Over the next six weeks, I met by phone with my sleep counselor and learned so much more about sleep, sleep habits, and good sleep hygiene.

Now, I only wake up once, if at all, per night (to use the restroom), and I can go right back to sleep. On occasion, I will have a bad night, but I have learned the skills and techniques necessary to help me cope and get through the difficult times. If you are on the fence about giving the HALEO program a try, I highly recommend that you jump in and try it. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. It’s a wonderful (free) benefit that is offered by Domtar (my company) and has done wonders for me and I know it will help others as well."

- Colette


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