Haleo helping benefits plan members overcome insomnia

Published on: March 9, 2021 | Reading time: 🕐 1m

HALEO | Haleo helping benefits plan members overcome insomnia

HALEO provides solutions to help members of benefits plans overcome insomnia by offering resources for managing sleep routines and improving sleep quality, which can have positive impacts on mental and physical health. 

Abstract: "In addition to its sleep therapy course, Haleo’s promotional toolkit for employers includes clinically validated sleep health assessments for employees to undertake, pre-clinic consultations with a sleep expert, sleep expert webinars and other educational content, which Brad Smith, CEO of HALEO said have high engagement with employees. In small and large organizations alike, roughly one-quarter of employees use the screener tool, download the app or participate in a webinar and five to 10 percent of all employees complete the clinical intervention" - Kelsey Rolfe, Benefits Canada.

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