HALEO enter into a partnership with Careica Health

Published on: June 1, 2021 | Reading time: 🕐 2m

HALEO | HALEO enter into a partnership with Careica Health

Montreal, QC, June 1st, 2021 - HALEO, Canada’s leading virtual care provider for the treatment of insomnia, and Careica Health, one of Western Canada’s leading networks of clinics for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), announce today an important partnership that will increase access to quality care for sleep disorders.  

During these extraordinary times, an increasing number of Canadians are experiencing sleep disorders and are searching for clinically proven solutions.

Recent studies show that more than 50% of Canadians are experiencing insomnia symptoms, and access to treatment has been limited due to a number of factors, including the lack of qualified therapists and difficulty adhering to treatment.  The incidence of OSA also continues to rise,with up to 90% of sleep apnea sufferers remaining undiagnosed. Furthermore, upto 80% of individuals with moderate or severe OSA are undiagnosed by theirphysicians, despite adequate access to health care.

Through this partnership, Careica Health is expanding access to professional care for insomnia for western Canadians by integrating HALEO’s virtual care solution into its service offering.  HALEO has developed a highly effective proprietary intervention for chronic insomnia, that employs a brief version of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I) delivered through a mobile application. Patients meet weekly with a registered therapist who has specific training and expertise in treating chronic insomnia and in HALEO’s mobile platform.

“We are very excited to play a key role in expanding access to registered therapists experienced in treating insomnia to Western Canada, an often-underserviced region.  Our network of clinicians is now even more equipped to assist clients, even those living in remote areas,achieve a better night’s sleep,” says Cory McArthur, Careica Health’s President and CEO.

 HALEO, for its part, is integrating Careica Health into its referral network,furthering its goal of providing national OSA treatment solutions for its clients from coast-to-coast. HALEO clients were already screened for OSA but will now be offered improved diagnostic and treatment alternatives.

“Our partnership aligns with HALEO’s mission to increase access to high quality care for sleep disorders.  Careica’s  diagnostic and treatment solutions for OSA are highly complementary to our existing virtual care solutions for insomnia and sleep optimization.  There are over 10M people in Western Canada with very limited access to registered therapists experienced in treating insomnia.  Our partnership will enable us to serve many more western Canadians who want to improve their sleep and quality of life”, says Bradley Smith, Founder and CEO of HALEO.


Founded in 2015, HALEO is a virtual care sleep clinic whose mission is to provide access to professional,clinically-proven solutions for those suffering from insomnia or other sleep problems.

HALEO’s clinical platform provides sleep health assessments, using clinically-validated questionnaires, as well as accessible, personalized care delivered by healthcare professionals via a mobile application. Our clinic has helped improve the health and performance of thousands of Canadians by helping them overcome their sleep problems.


For over 30 years, Careica Health (formerly RANA Respiratory Care Group,Provincial Sleep Group and Provincial Home Oxygen) has established itself as one of Western Canada's leaders in respiratory care, employing over 200 people across Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia serving clients bothin-clinic and remotely with Careica Virtual. Careica focuses on creating innovative respiratory care programs that support sufferers of sleep disordered breathing and respiratory disease. With Careica’s focus on life-long care and support, clients experience a new standard of comfort,mobility and freedom. 

For more information: Media@haleoclinic.com


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