Navigate the adjustment: time change - Global News at 6 Toronto

Published on: March 10, 2025 | Reading time: 🕐 1m

HALEO | Navigate the adjustment: time change - Global News

The night of March 8 to 9 saw our clocks go forward by an hour. This means an extra hour of sunlight in the evening, of course, but also a major disruption to our circadian cycles. However, it is possible to take action to counteract these disturbances and stay fresh and alert during the day, without losing sleep at night.

Emily Paris, psychotherapist at HALEO, gave her expert opinion and advices on Global News at 6 Toronto, an Ontario-based television news program. Among the tips she shares are optimizing good sleep hygiene, reducing exposure to light in the evening and taking short naps in the early afternoon. If you have more specific questions about your sleep, don't hesitate to fill in our online questionnaire or contact our team.

View the interview at 14:50

Entrevue Emily Paris Global News at 6 Toronto HALEO


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