Overcoming coronasomnia - La Presse

Published on: March 19, 2021 | Reading time: 🕐 1m

HALEO | Overcoming coronasomnia - La Presse

HALEO was featured in La Presse in the framework of World Sleep Day.

HALEO is a program that aims to prevent absenteeism, presenteeism, and decreased productivity in the workplace due to poor sleep quality. In an article discussing the impact of the pandemic on sleep habits, HALEO's approach is highlighted as a potential solution to the issue of "coronasomnia." The program offers resources for employees to manage their sleep routines and improve their overall sleep quality, which in turn can have positive effects on their mental and physical health. With the rise of remote work and the increased stress caused by the pandemic, programs like HALEO can help employers and employees alike to address the important issue of sleep health in the workplace.

Read the full article (Available in French only)


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